Monday, July 22, 2013


This past weekend, my family and I visited the Field of Dreams in Dyersville, Iowa. For those of you unfamiliar, I'm not sure how to explain it other than giving you today's Thought. Needless to say, it is one of my favorite movies.

Baseball marks the time. But what is time, really? Is it a physical length? Or perhaps it's something more. Perhaps it's marked not by hours, days and years, but rather by events, decisions and emotions. Throughout my life, I have found that my life events mark the time far better than any number that marks my age.

Take my high school years. These four years were not marked by flipping the calendar 48 times (12 X 4, come on math majors). Instead it was marked by my involvement in FFA. My freshman year I turned 17. I will forever remember that year as the year I got involved in FFA and started down a path that has led me to where I am today. Similarly, this summer has been marked by numerous events in my life. From moving away from home to discovering my passion that I can turn into a career, it has been eventful.

How do you mark the time? Baseball has been the constant, always marking the time for America. What reminds you of all that was once good and could be again?

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