Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I must say this Thought called out to me today. Perhaps it's because I just watched the episode of Fringe in which this statement is made. Perhaps it's just fate. At any rate, here it is. I'm not sure if this takes into account the give-and-take in a relationship. Both sides of a relationship have to act in order to affect major change. But I maintain that everything you come in contact with, every person, every animal, every experience, leaves you changed somehow. These things touch us.
I think back to when I first moved down to Kansas City at the beginning of the summer. It was a new city, a new experience. Looking back, everyone I have known and interacted with has touched me. Around the lunch table today I made some smart-alecky comment in response to a question, a response that I would not have made at the beginning of the summer. You see, those people around the table with me, they changed me. At the beginning of the summer, they were simply people sharing the same office-space as me. However, as the summer went along, I somehow became to know these people more. I'm not sure if I had this sense of humor before (I'm sure certain individuals would say that I did), but I can't help but feel like I've been changed this summer. Maybe it's just an external change, an awakening and refining of my innermost traits. It is a change, nonetheless.
The key, is harnessing this change and making it a change for the better. Certainly there are relationships out there that bring you nothing but bad. You aren't improving from those. They aren't making you better. Are you willing to recognize change? Embrace the good and ignore the bad. Believe me, it's not an easy process. I'm not even sure if it's something that can be consciously done. I'm still not sure how my change this summer came about. I know I wasn't trying that hard. Perhaps the key is to keep moving. Constantly evaluating, adjusting, changing. Eventually, you might stumble on something great.

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