Monday, December 16, 2013


Looking back on my recent posts, I am painfully aware of just how few there are. I must confess, I've been a little overwhelmed by the end-of-the-semester stuff going on. With Christmas break upon us, I have elected to take a short period off. I plan to be back publishing on my normal schedule come February, but for now, the posts may be few and far between.

Thinking on the overall theme that I've cultivated with this blog, I believe this quote from Albert Einstein hits close to home. I don't have any special writing talents. I don't know any of the latest and greatest blogging techniques. But I do have my curiosity and my core drive to post.

What do you have? I'm guessing that like me, you don't have (m)any special talents. Others can beat your records, they can be better than you. But they can never take away your passion, your curiosity, your drive to succeed. Looking at this, I bet you look at my question in a little different light. So, what do you have?s

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I found today's Thought yesterday while reading a rather intriguing article on classroom management. I decided to pull this picture, as it's a really good visual representation of what the author is trying to say. As this chart says, when a teacher gets frustrated and angry, he or she has a choice: retaliate with punishment or push students in a new direction. Each of these options has a whole other set of outcomes, some positive, some negative.

Just a quick look at the flowchart shows me which option I'd choose. I think this flowchart really illustrates the benefits a shift in direction can bring. For instance, this past summer, a shift happened in my life. I moved six hours away from home for an internship, I discovered that my true calling is in the classroom and I made many new friends. This change in direction really helped me to see where I needed to go.

Have you changed direction? Maybe it was a big event in your life that sparked a revolution in your own thinking. Or maybe it was something very small that had far-reaching consequences, consequences you were unaware of at the time. I'm willing to bet that a change in direction has in some way resulted in growth by you. As this flowchart shows, redirecting students can avoid even more frustration and anger and instead lead to growth by both teacher and student. Take those times of frustration, those times where it doesn't seem worth it anymore, and look for a direction shift. Who knows, you might just find something amazing on the other side of a redirection.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Today's Thought is a simple one: Inspiration.
As a teacher, so much of what I end up doing, is inspiring kids to follow their dreams. Granted, a lot of that is hard, not-always-successful work trying to get them to find their dream. I think part of the reason that superhero movies are popular is the sheer inspiration that they offer. Take the general template: an unassuming regular joe finds out that (s)he has some special talent that renders him or her above the population. He or she must then grapple with how to use this power to serve the greater good.
Teachers, while they inspire, are just one source for inspiration. Who inspires you? Maybe it was a teacher. I was inspired by my high school teachers to pursue a career in education. Remember you inspired you, then use that to inspire yet another generation of superheroes.

Friday, December 6, 2013


As you should well know by now, the visionary Nelson Mandela passed from our presence yesterday.
I think Mandela's story is one so awe-inspiring, it's hard to know where to start. For me, the pure vision of this man was incredible. How many of us would, upon emerging from wrongful incarceration for decades, be willing to work with our captors to bring about a complete paradigm shift? I know I would struggle with this charge. You see, Mandela had a vision. He saw a united South Africa all working toward a common goal, regardless of race, creed, sex or religion. Not only that, but he was willing to swallow his bruised and beaten pride to make it happen.

What is your vision? Whether it's enacting a shift in the way an entire country thinks or simply a vision for your personal life, we all must look to the future. We must find something to hang our hats on, something to work toward. Nelson Mandela had a vision of positive change. What is your vision?

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Well, yesterday it happened. It finally snowed. A good bit. 7" of heavy, wet, wonderfully white snow.

As I sat in my room trying to work on homework and final projects, my glance kept darting toward the window to see the falling snow. I wish I was able to get a good picture, alas, I had to use someone else's fresh-snow fall picture. I'm not sure what it is, but there's just something hopeful, an anticipation in the fresh snow.

What's fresh? Maybe you've had some life-change lately (or on the horizon) that you can't help gaze at in wonderment. It's that sense of anticipation. That sense of a fresh start that is so incredible. If you've never just sat and stared at the freshly falling snow, take a minute out of your busy day to do it. Think of those 'fresh' things in your life. Gaze in wonderment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Today's Thought comes from, as Calvin puts it, 'my powerful brain'. While I can't speak much to the power of my brain, I can speak to Hobbes' last question: "How come?" I think this question of why is so powerful and enigmatic. How many of us have ever prayed, or even exclaimed in frustration, 'Why!?' The actual question perhaps isn't the important part, rather, what the answer to the question of why is what really matters.

What is your answer? Perhaps you have been like Calvin, using silly reasons as justification when asked why. Anyone who has had a parent say attest to the statement "Because I said so!" I think so much of the time, we scarcely think of why we are doing things before we do them. In order to be truly successful, we must begin asking ourselves, "why?" You may be surprised by the answer you find.

Monday, December 2, 2013


I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving break! It's been far too long since I've plied the keyboard on this page. Today's Thought is particularly relevant for my agricultural educators out there. This week is the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) Convention in Las Vegas. Location notwithstanding, this is a professional development conference aimed at giving teachers a chance to meet up and talk education. It's a chance for many to hear about practices from across the country that may otherwise have never been shared.
I think one of the keys for successful professionals is an ability to be constantly learning on the job. For many, this means joining a career organization such as the NAAE. In order to serve customers to the best of our abilities, we must seek out opportunities to share ideas and talk to others in similar positions. Will you talk? Instead of sequestering yourself, put yourself out there. Get to know someone in a similar situation as you. Who knows, you just might end up helping each other out.