Friday, July 26, 2013


Today's Thought is courtesy of the television show Community. Specifically, it's lovable antagonist, Ben Chang. It seems that no matter what he does, it always ends up as he puts it, 'astonishing'. It's one of those things where you just shake your head while laughing at his crazy antics. Despite good intentions, it always seems he ends up in some crazy situation.
Perhaps you have had a day where you are like Ben Chang. Maybe not the crazy part, but the part about astonishing events. Those days that you surprise yourself at just what you do and accomplish. One day in particular stands out to me.
This summer the Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, was speaking in Kansas City. Somehow, I had gotten to go hear him speak as part of my internship. Perks of the job I suppose. I'll spare you the details and say, by the time everything was said and done, I had asked him a question and I had gotten my picture with him. When I woke up that day I had no idea either of those things would happen. It was astonishing.
What will you do that's simply astonishing? It's nothing big, you just have to go with what feels right. Isn't that how life goes? The astonishing moments only occur when you are your unbridled self. When you don't care what anyone thinks of you. Those times you simply 'do'. Will you do something astonishing?

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