Thursday, August 1, 2013


While in the end, Ra's al Ghul is hardly the ideal role model, he does bring some good words of wisdom. What are your ideals? Do you have something that you devote yourself to religiously?

I remember back to my time in high school, not in the ag classroom, but in the science classroom. The year I took introductory chemistry was a turning point in my life. I remember back to one experiment in particular. It had something to do with tin foil and measuring mass. I confess, I can't remember much else about it other than those details. However, what I do remember is being able to assist my group members in understanding some concept that we were testing. From that moment forward, I became obsessed with education. It was, in part, an experience that pointed me toward my future career.

Since that time, I have found education to be my ideal. No matter the subject area, I have an intense desire to help others learn and improve their lives. Notice I said 'others' and not 'students'. See, there are two sides to education and at any moment, I am on either side - student or teacher. In fact, if I don't learn something from my students, I view that day as a failure. If I am unable to learn from those I am trying to teach, how can I expect them to learn from me? What are your ideals? Perhaps like me it's a desire to help others improve their lives. Perhaps it's something else. No matter what your ideals are, devote yourself to it. You can't be stopped.

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