Thursday, August 15, 2013


I'm slowly realizing that I pull a lot of my references and Thoughts from television and movies. So I suppose it's no surprise that today's thought is from the television show Chuck. In the very first episode, Sarah Walker asks Chuck to trust her. Sarah is a spy and inadvertently, Chuck has been thrown into a world of espionage. I could get into the whole backstory of Chuck, but that would take far too much time and space.

Now I know it's only a TV show, but I still enjoy this thought. Have you ever been asked to trust someone? It's not an easy thing to say yes to. What if they let you down? For me personally, trust has been a big issue that I struggle with. But it's the basis of life itself. Think about all the times you trust someone. You trust that car to stop for you as you cross the road. You trust your coworkers to do their job to the best of their abilities. You trust the weatherman (maybe) to tell you what the day will be like outside. The point is, at some point you have to learn how to trust. You have to answer that question. Will you trust me?

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