Monday, August 5, 2013


When was the last time you went on a good adventure? How did that adventure begin? I'm willing to bet that it began with a sentiment similar to what Sir Richard Branson is expressing here. It may not have been in so many words, but the idea was there nonetheless.

What is it that drives us to say these words and embark into the unknown? This summer is a perfect example. As I've told it before, I wasn't really sure what I was going to be doing this summer. I was a little lost. In the end, I decided I needed a change. I needed something a little scary and a little uncomfortable. I remember thinking of every reason not to move to Kansas City for the summer and hardly any reasons why I should. And yet I did it. I moved to Kansas City to do a job I ended up loving.

In the end, it came down to not caring. A good not caring though. Every now and then you see those memes with something to the effect of "you just don't care anymore when..."No, I'm not talking that kind of not caring. The kind of not caring that gives little regard to what could go wrong and only focus on what could go right. The kind that drives you to go on an adventure. It doesn't even have to be a physical adventure. It could be an adventure of the mind; reading a book, finally finishing a New York Times crossword puzzle. Take the jump. Don't worry so much about what could go wrong. Screw it. Let's do it.

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