Monday, February 3, 2014


Today's Thought is a rather fancy looking way to sum up the last four years of my life. While I found it on an educational page I follow on Facebook, I hardly took it to mean strictly formal, classroom learning.
As some of you may know, tonight I am giving my Swan Song, a symbolic final speech for members as they move to alumni status in my fraternity. If you wish to hear the speech, I will be recording it and posting it somewhere on these inter-webs.
As I think back on the last 3-4 years I am simply astounded. I've made and lost friends, I've joined the best group of gentlemen I've ever had the pleasure to be associated with, I've pursued my dream of teaching, I've lived half-way across the country, I've met the woman whom I'm pretty sure will be my future wife, I've had experiences beyond my wildest dreams. Talk about a big mess.
You see, I don't think I'm at college so much to get a degree in a given career field, as much to get a complete education in life. As an educator, I don't teach agriculture, I teach students. Learning is messy. People get hurt but people are strong. We bounce back to leave legacy's beyond our wildest dreams. Sorry about the mess for the last four years, but I've been learning.

What is your swan song? If you had the chance to tell the world anything for one night, what would you say? Would talk about how you've developed and learned as a person? Would you talk about the messes in your life? I think so much of the time we don't think about these messy experiences as times of learning. However, messes are the ONLY time we are truly learning.

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