Monday, February 17, 2014


I must confess, I posted this Thought on my door on Friday, but I am just getting to writing about it now. It's interesting (and a little exciting) that my cooperating teacher, a thirty year veteran, commented on my Thoughts. I suppose I must be making a good impression? I suppose this weekend has given me some extra time to think of what I want to write, so I do apologize if I am a little long-winded today.
I think so much of the time as agriculture teachers we get so busy in our students and our work (which doesn't often seem like 'work'). I think I've been at school from 7am to at least 4pm every night in the last week. So many of us forget to take some time and treat ourselves. While it's fantastic to be involved in such a wonderful career field (I will be at school serving breakfast to other teachers at 6:30am tomorrow!) we all need to make sure that we are treated first.

How will you 'treat yo self'? I know my girlfriend for one will have a few suggestions on this one. Even though she's halfway around the world in Rome, I think she's getting the feeling of just how busy I am. Whether it's perfume, fragrances, mimosas or even a batman suit, we all need to take time to treat ourselves. If we can't take care of ourselves, how can we hope to take care of anyone else? How will you 'treat yo self'?

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