Friday, September 6, 2013


Today's Thought comes from the great mind of the late Steve Jobs. While this isn't his most popular quote, I do believe it speaks strongly to folks of my age. It's so easy to get caught up in trying to do things by the book, get the A+, get a good job that we forget what it's like to be hungry and foolish.

At the beginning of my summer, I thought back to another great summer experience: attending Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) through FFA in Washington DC. What made WLC such a great experience? What made it fun? In the end, I came down to two points: 1) I had no expectations and 2) I had a desire to prove myself. In short, I was hungry to show what I was all about, I wanted to prove my worth.

Think back to one of your best experiences in your life. What made it so great? I'd venture a guess that you too had this sense of hunger to prove yourself. Or maybe it was on the other side of the spectrum. Maybe you just didn't care what people thought of you. You found a way to stay foolish. So don't worry so much about what's supposed to happen. Don't worry about following the path. Maintain that sense of hunger. Stay foolish.

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