Thursday, January 30, 2014


This morning I wasn't sure why I picked this image as today's Thought, but as the day progressed, I think it slowly became clearer. As many of you know, my wonderful girlfriend is studying abroad this semester, exploring the architecture of Rome and Istanbul. When we made the decision that she should study abroad, it was all rather quick. Heck, from finding out about the opportunity to filing all the paperwork, barely 24 hours had elapsed. So I suppose it's no shock that it hasn't really sunk in what this all actually means until this week.
Without a doubt, it's a battle without her here by my side, and I'm sure she would say the same. And yet despite all the tough times, the times when I just want her to fly home, I can't help but be excited and super proud of her, despite myself. You see I can't help but know that no matter what, she will return home to me, perhaps changed, but at heart still the same person I fell in love with scarcely five months ago.
What is your battle? I think that so many young people expect things to be easy. Going into this experience, my girlfriend and I knew it wasn't going to be easy. We knew there would be days we just want to give up. But we resolved to never seek to battle with the other. Life is hard enough, if we can't face it together, should we even be together? Instead of battling each other, we are together battling the rest of the world. Take this to heart folks, what is your battle? Are you, as many have said, fighting the good fight? Be kind, for every man (and woman) is fighting a hard battle.

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