Monday, October 28, 2013


Today's Thought is one of those 'diamonds in the rough' found in the slew of Facebook chain posts that so often clog my newsfeed. While I must admit that it took me a minute to 'get' it, once I did I had to chuckle and simply agree with it's sentiment.
In so many of my education courses at the University of Minnesota, the topic of student motivation is brought up. How do we motivate students? What keeps us motivated? Many times when we ask ourselves that last question, we have to think a minute before we can come up with an actual answer. You see, motivation isn't some 'finger-snap' solution. It can't be turned on like a tap. It has to be cultivated, coaxed and pushed in order to grow not only in our students, but ourselves as well. It's rarely inspired by a poster. Instead it could be inspired by a desire to obtain a better job, a desire to learn or even a desire to make a difference. What motivates you? I'm guessing that it takes more than a poster.

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