Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I'm not sure where I found today's Thought, but I do know why it resonates with me. I am firmly a believer that we are all learners. While I am studying to be a teacher, I am also a learner. I've written before about how I believe that a day in which you learned nothing is a day lost. This plays right into that sentiment. We have two ears and one mouth. If we just take the time to use our ears, how can we go wrong?

Have you ever gotten in trouble because of something you said? I know I have. Conversely, have you ever gotten in trouble because of something you heard? If you have, I'd bet that listening didn't result in as bad of trouble as when you said something. Do you use your ears? I know I don't use mine nearly enough. So much of the time we are consumed with the idea that what we have to say, what we know is the one and only right thing. If we are right, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, right? Don't fall into this trap. Listen. Hear. Understand. Don't be afraid to let go and listen to what someone else thinks is right. Odds are, you'll both learn something.

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