Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I suppose you could say it's some curse, this being my 70th post (who knew I had that much to say?!), but in all honesty I have been much too busy lately to write a blog post. Tonight that will change. Having this Thought on my door for multiple days has given me a lot of time to think. This past weekend I had a fantastic time introducing my girlfriend to my family. Specifically, introducing her to my 18 month old niece, Anya.
I think the best moment came when Anya decided she wanted to color with her crayons. Now being only 18 months old, coloring generally meant just drawing squiggles and other lines on a blank sheet. Now maybe this isn't that big of deal, but as my girlfriend and I were coloring with Anya, I realized just what we were doing. Instead of a passive experience of putting crayon to paper, we were asking Anya what the various colors were. And more times than not, she got it correct on the first try.

This whole idea of teachers in our lives is a powerful one. Sure, we can probably learn a lot by passively doing an activity. However, our learning is multiplied a thousand-fold when we have a great teacher guiding us on our journey. Are you a teacher? Perhaps you can relate to my story, maybe you have your own experiences of being taught or teaching someone else. Sure, we can study all we want, but another person, a teacher is what makes the difference.

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