Thursday, April 10, 2014


I suppose today's Thought was more a product of what I was feeling when I woke up this morning than anything else. Today I had a rather significant event happen: I accepted a position teaching agriculture at Cedar Mountain High School. As I woke up this morning I just had this feeling of knowing that my future is taking shape, that my future is back.
However, throughout the day, I kept getting more and more nervous. What am I getting myself into? What if I mess up? What if I'm a terrible teacher? What is my future? All those little doubts that constantly bug me kept hitting me.
What is your future? If you don't know, that's ok. Everyone has those doubts. Everyone needs time to figure these things out. However, when you do figure it out, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what your future is meant to be, go for it! Don't sit by and watch it float on by. Yes, pay attention to your doubts, they keep you sharp, but don't be paralyzed by them. Take action. Go for your goals. Is your future back?

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